Knee osteoarthritis: symptoms and treatment, exercise, medications

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (also called gonarthrosis) is a lesion of the knee joint, as a result of which the articular cartilage is destroyed, the knee is deformed and the movement of the knee is limited. The article will help you learn more about the symptoms and start the necessary treatment on time.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Gonarthrosis is divided into primary and secondary forms:

  1. The cause of the primary form is a congenital joint defect and the period of disease development occurs in childhood and adolescence.
  2. The secondary form can develop at any age.
knee osteoarthritis

The main causes of the disease are called:

  • poor posture;
  • overweight;
  • various types of knee injuries;
  • disorders of mineral metabolism and metabolism;
  • presence of endocrine diseases;
  • increased stress on the knee joints;
  • disturbed calcium metabolism due to taking hormone-containing drugs;
  • meniscus removal operations;
  • presence of arthritis;
  • weak ligament apparatus;
  • menopause and menopause in women.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints can be bilateral or unilateral.

Stages of arthrosis and their symptoms

Depending on the symptoms and approach of the disease, experts divide the disease into 3 stages.

Initial or first stage of osteoarthritis

At this stage, mild pain occurs with increased stress on the knee.The initial phase can last from one year to several years.To prevent the stage from becoming more severe, a number of measures need to be taken to restore deformed cartilage, strengthen ligaments, and restore movement in the knee.

At this stage, timely treatment will completely get rid of the pathology. But most patients ignore the symptom in the form of mild pain and therefore do not go to the doctor. Osteoarthritis of the knee is treated by an orthopedist, rheumatologist or surgeon.

Middle or 2nd stage arthrosis

stages of knee osteoarthritis

At this stage, the symptoms of the disease seem more pronounced and therefore impossible to ignore. Doctors note that most patients seek medical attention in phase 2. At this stage, an accurate diagnosis can be made. Timely treatment enables stopping the transition of the disease to the 3rd degree.

Severe symptoms include:

  • painful knees with hypothermia;
  • presence of soft crunch;
  • swelling or swelling in the knee area;
  • severe knee pain when climbing stairs or other forms of increased stress;
  • pain and tingling in the leaves;
  • Stiffness in knee flexion and extension.

The last or third stage of osteoarthritis

At this stage, the consequences of the disease are irreversible, it is impossible to stop the development of pathology. But the treatment will alleviate the patient's condition for a while. Under no circumstances should you ignore the symptoms or engage in self-medication, as this can lead to a change in gait, walking with a cane, or disability.

Doctors refer to the main symptoms of stage 3, in addition to the above:

  • pathology of the endocrine system (thyroid problems, diabetes);
  • hereditary and age factors.

Diagnostic Methods

methods for diagnosing knee osteoarthritis

The specialist makes a diagnosis based on the anamnesis based on the patient's words and the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Laboratory tests include:

  • complete blood count.With the help of research you can identify the cause of the disease and assess the degree of inflammation.
  • general urine analysisallows you to identify or rule out the autoimmune origin of the disease and assess whether it is a source of kidney and urinary tract pathology.
  • blood biochemical test, which is divided into many others, indicators of almost all studies are outside the normal range.

Laboratory tests are performed during the exacerbation of the disease, because during remission all indicators are within normal limits.

Instrumental studies include:

  • X-ray.It is performed in two projections - rear-front and side. Usually the doctor scans both knees to compare the affected and healthy knees.
  • arthroscopy.This procedure should be understood not only as research, but also as a mini operation. The fact is that the doctor inserts a small LED guide through a small hole in the knee and the computer screen displays a complete picture of the internal condition of the knee, and the resulting tissue fragments are sent to the laboratory if a cartilage or malignancy is suspected. endoscopically, it is possible to correct the shape of the meniscus, remove polyps and chondrophytes. In addition to the diagnosis of arthrosis, other diseases can be performed and researched, because the knee joint is a large organ and allows you to get a complete picture of the condition of the body.
  • Ultrasound(ultrasound).This screening method has two important advantages over X-rays - it is harmless and helps to see the soft tissue of the joint due to its wide imaging capabilities.
  • CT (computed tomography).The study is a form of improved radiography, because during this procedure the doctor takes several images and thanks to them a three-dimensional image of the affected organ is created on the computer. This form is used less frequently than others due to the time cost and large amount of radiation.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).Unlike the previous method, it is safer. Also, MRI gives you a better soft tissue image compared to CT. But MRI is rarely used as a CT, because its use requires high material costs and cannot be applied to patients whose body contains metal objects (needles, crowns). CT and MRI are contraindicated in people weighing more than 120 kg.
  • knee pain with osteoarthritisscintigraphy.An expensive method associated with radiation. It is therefore used in cases where cheaper methods are ineffective. In this study, the substance is injected into the patient's body that reacts to the diseased organ and localizes around it.
  • tomography.The study is based on heat radiation from the surface of the body. Usually the affected organ manifests itself in the form of foci with fever. The tomograph is a bulky instrument and the procedure is expensive, so this study is only conducted in large clinics.

Medications to treat and alleviate symptoms

Experts note that it is impossible to start treatment without relieving pain and removing inflammation.Therefore, doctors prescribe various non-steroidal (or non-hormonal) drugs. But you can not take them longer than the prescribed period, because this group of drugs does not cure the disease, but alleviates the symptoms, and the disease progresses in the meantime.

Osteoarthritis ointments

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with symptoms of edema and pain is rarely done without fat.

Unlike other forms of drug release, this group has clear advantages:

  • quickly reduces pain and inflammation;
  • ease of use makes it easy to combine with other treatments, such as physiotherapy;
  • has no adverse effect on the liver.

Many years of experience in the treatment of osteoarthritis and research of positive feedback among patients has revealed a number of effective ointments that have a warming vasodilating effect. They contain red pepper extract, bee and snake venom.

Gymnastics for osteoarthritis

gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the knee

Gymnastics is one of the important methods of treating osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which should be used in the period of remission after the removal of pain symptoms.


  • improve joint cartilage nutrition and overall health:
  • pain relief;
  • strengthening of muscles and ligaments of the knee joint;
  • increased joint mobility.

To see a positive effect,should be exercised daily or every other day, increasing the load to 30 minutes per workout.

  1. Warm up. You need to walk on your toes or heels for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Pedal an imaginary bike 20-30 times (10-15 times with each foot).
  3. Lying on your stomach, bend and straighten your knees 10-15 times. Hold the leg in this position for 5 seconds with each bend.
  4. Stretch your legs while lying on your back. Raise your leg and bend at the knee. The heel should be parallel to the floor.
  5. Lying on your right side, lift your left leg, pull it up to your abdomen, and then stretch it as far as possible. Roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise. Repeat 5-6 times for each leg.

Exercise should be abandoned if:

  • abdominal or hip hernia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery.

Rubs and wraps

rubbing and compresses

Various rubs and compresses are widely used in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Their significant benefits include the availability of ingredients and the absence of side effects.

  • Garlic.Pour 1 head of vegetables with any vegetable oil (200 ml), cover and leave in a dark and cool place for 7 days. Then wash the product overnight. To remove the specific odor, close the knee with a thick gauze bandage and rinse thoroughly with water in the morning.
  • EggMix the vinegar with 1 egg yolk 1: 1 and immediately rub a little into the knee. Apply 3 times a week. After rubbing, wrap your knee in something warm.
  • Honey.Mix 100 grams of honey and 3 grams of mummy and immediately rub into the knee. Wrap your knee.
  • Cabbage.Soak a piece of woolen material with vegetable juice and attach it to the knee.
  • Oatmeal.Boil an ordinary porridge of 1-2 tablespoons of flakes in water. Do not cook the flakes for more than 7 minutes! Place the viscous product on a clean cloth and apply to the knee.


Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (symptoms and drug treatment are listed above), according to experts, can be cured by various types of dressings. Honey and herbs are the most effective.

According to research, honey compresses help:

  • for tissue regeneration and intra-articular cartilage destroyed by disease;
  • eliminate pain and inflammation;
  • burn excess cholesterol.

It is worth noting that honey is most effective in combination with cinnamon.

Regarding herbal wraps, the above properties have:

  • willow, oak, birch, aspen bark;
  • valerian roots, comfrey, burdock;
  • leaves of hops, birch, nettle;
  • wild rosemary and herbs of St. John's wort;
  • chamomile flowers, marigold.

Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with hirudotherapy

hirudotherapy for osteoarthritis

One of the most effective methods of treating osteoarthritis of the knee joint is hirudotherapy, ie treatment with leeches. It can be used at the first symptoms, and it must be referred by a doctor who comes under the supervision of a specialist. Before the first procedure, you should be familiar with the contraindications.

Don't use leeches:

  • children and the elderly;
  • patients suffering from reduced blood clotting, hypotension, severe exhaustion, leukemia, anemia, gastrointestinal erosion, gastric ulcer, digestive problems, cancer, tuberculosis, anemia and hemophilia;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation.

For the treatment to be effective, 1-2 procedures should be performed every 5-6 months.Treatment can be carried out more or less often - it all depends on the stage of the disease. If after 1-3 sessions the patient feels improvement and there is no allergic reaction, then treatment with leeches can be continued.

Otherwise, the patient is given a break of 9 months and if the allergy reappears or does not improve, the chiropractic sessions are stopped. During the treatment, the specialist treats the knee with an odorless product, and then checks the suitability of the leeches to be used.

To do this, leeches are placed in a container of water. If leeches stick to the walls, then they can be used. The specialist puts 2-6 leeches on the patella.

When they suck, leeches release a number of beneficial enzymes into the human body that will help:

  • restore and strengthen the immune system;
  • restoration of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • removes swelling and adhesions.

Hirudotherapy cannot be used as a separate treatment. For greater efficiency, experts recommend combining it with physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and taking medication.

Bathing turpentine and pine baths

taking turpentine and pine baths

Balneotherapy, ie taking various baths with a therapeutic effect, is not the last place in eliminating the symptoms of osteoarthritis.Experts note that there are many different types of therapeutic baths, but turpentine and pine baths have shown particular effectiveness. They can be taken not only in balneological resorts, but also at home.

But despite their advantages, they should be discarded:

  • patients with heart disease;
  • in the presence of oncological diseases, tuberculosis, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension,
  • if the patient has suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • in the presence of skin diseases;
  • for pregnant women.

For a turpentine bath you need to mix 10 grams of baby soap, 0. 75 ml of salicylic acid and pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water. While the mixture is cooling, you need to fill the tub with hot water. When the mixture has cooled to 45 degrees, add turpentine and pour 15-20 ml of the mixture into the bath.

Due to the presence of turpentine, the temperature in the bathroom may look elevated.Therefore, you should not increase the dose more than 20 ml. Baths should be taken daily for 10-14 days, gradually increasing the dose of turpentine mixture to 80 ml in one procedure. After bathing, rinse the mixture with warm water and put on warm clothes or lie down under a blanket.

For pine baths you need pine needles or branches. Approximately 25-30 branches should be broken into small pieces to fit in a pot. Rinse the branches before preparing the broth, float and dirt, pour water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Strain the finished soup and pour into a hot water bath.

Take a bath for 10-15 minutes.Then dry yourself and put on warm clothes. It is not recommended to engage in physical work and knee strain. The course of treatment with a pine bath can contain 7-12 procedures, which can be taken every other day or daily. After six months the course can be repeated. Such a procedure will prolong the period of remission and stop the development of the disease.

Use of chondroprotectors

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (symptoms and treatment with folk remedies are listed below) cannot be cured without chondroprotectors - a group of drugs aimed at restoring cartilage tissue and its nutrition. All drugs from this group were divided into 5 groups. Drugs intended for the treatment of osteoarthritis belong to group 4.

Made based on:

  • glucosamine;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • avocado and soy extracts;
  • hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid;
  • synthesis of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroprotectors are prescribed by experts along with painkillers.But, unlike the latter, the former must be taken throughout life, because only in this case it is possible to slow down the development of osteoarthritis and stop disability. The effect of taking chondroprotectors is visible only after 2-8 days.

Medications are available in the form of gels, ointments, tablets and injections. The injection with the solution is given in the knee.

Diet: what foods are allowed, dietary rules and approximate diet

diet for osteoarthritis

Being overweight negatively affects the development of arthrosis - the disease progresses faster than in patients with normal weight. Therefore, people who suffer from obesity are advised to lose extra pounds. But at the same time it is categorically impossible to starve and sit on mono diets or diets with dietary restrictions.

Permitted products include:

  • Hormone-free meat that can be cooked, baked, stewed or steamed. If there is no access to meat, then you can buy the usual, but you need to get rid of skin and fat, because there accumulates all the harmful substances that are fed or injected into animals or poultry. It is better to limit the consumption of such meat to 1-2 times a week, and the rest of the time there are dishes of vegetables or fish.
  • fruits and vegetables that can be baked or stewed to your liking.
  • all types of cereals (except instant cereals).
  • pectin products: currants, fructose jellies;
  • fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • integral bread and pasta.

Important to exclude from your diet:

  • bakery products, confectionery and white bread;
  • alcoholic beverages and beer;
  • various types of fast food and snacks;
  • sausages and other types of finished meat products.

In osteoarthritis, 1200 Kcal should be taken daily.You need to eat broken down, ie every 2-3 hours in small meals.

Folk remedies

Knee osteoarthritis, symptoms and treatment can be easily performed by traditional medicine:

  • If osteoarthritis is accompanied by edema, then a blue clay compress will help. To do this, you need to dilute the clay with water to the state of cream and put it on a thick cloth folded 4-6 times and fasten to the joint. Wrap the knee with gauze or another cloth so that the bandage does not slip. Hold for 2-3 hours and rinse with warm water. The fabric can be washed and reused.
  • Experts recommend giving up natural tea and coffee and replacing it with decoctions and infusions. For example, cranberry decoction. For him 2 teaspoons. berries should be poured 1 liter. boiling water and leave for an hour, wrapped in a towel. You need to drink 3-4 times a day.
  • Massage ointment will help you get rid of pain and inflammation at any stage of the disease. For it you need to mix with 50 grams of Vaseline, 10 grams of chopped hops, sweet clover and St. John's wort. You need to insist on the product for 2-3 hours in a dark place. Rub with light massage movements. You can wrap your knee.

How long is the rehabilitation period

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long the rehabilitation of osteoarthritis will take, because the time depends on various factors. For example, the age and lifestyle of the patient, the degree and severity of the disease.

In general, the recovery period lasts 1-2 months, during which the patient with the help of a specialist:

  • eliminates inflammatory and pain syndromes;
  • learns to exercise and adjusts diet.

In order for the remission period to last as long as possible, the patient must exercise regularly and visit a doctor. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint with the removal of symptoms and the right approach to treatment will allow you not to go out of the usual rhythm of life.